On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:03:57 -0400, Adam Thorsen adam.thorsen@gmail.com wrote:
I'm looking for a really simple example of how to use TBNL. Just a sort of "Hello World." I'm currently feeling a bit overwhelmed by the test.lisp example file.
Can anybody point me to one or supply me with one?
;;; To test add something like this to your httpd.conf ;;; ;;; LispServer 3000 "tbnl" ;;; ;;; <Location /tbnl> ;;; SetHandler lisp-handler ;;; </Location> ;;; ;;; and afterwards restart Apache, load this file, and evaluate ;;; ;;; (tbnl:start-tbnl) ;;; ;;; then point your browser at http://localhost/tbnl/test.
(in-package #:tbnl)
(setq *dispatch-table* (list (create-prefix-dispatcher "/tbnl/test" 'foo) 'default-dispatcher))
(defun foo () "Hello World!")
HTH, Edi.