On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:37:53 -0500, "Vyacheslav Akhmechet" coffeemug@gmail.com wrote:
Is there an easy way to find out of Hunchentoot is using threads to handle requests? I'd like to issue a warning on single threaded systems, and I'm wondering if there is a unified way to get this information.
As a general rule, Hunchentoot should only be used in a multi-threaded Lisp... :)
Some users convinced me to support Lisps without MP, but this is only for testing purposes and is frowned upon. The two possibilities I'm aware of are:
- SBCL on some platforms; in this case Hunchentoot will issue a warning anyway. (See top of port-sbcl.lisp.)
- CLISP; this Lisp doesn't have MP at all.