
I've seen this before (long ago) and can't quite remember what caused it. I believe it has to do with restarting the lisp/TBNL server without restarting apache. Try cleaning Firefox's cache, if that doesn't work try cleaning everything in Firefox (the 'clear all' button in preference>privacy). You might have to refresh a couple of times too. It is a real pain.

If I remember, this is one of the reasons I work day-to-day with a stand-alone version of TBNL (either through Araneida or TBNL's built in capabilities (in fact, this is, I think, the reason I contributed the TBNL stand-alone stuff in the first place :-))


On Sep 29, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Anthony F wrote:

Hi all,
I recently started playing with LispWorks, Apache w/ mod_lisp2 and TBNL.  I'm using the newest TBNL as well as the newest versions of all its dependencies.  I'm using the free version of LispWorks and therefore have a heap size limit, and I'm using Windows XP Pro. 
The problem was that I after I got everything working I was randomly clicking on the test page link when LispWorks quickly died after a few simple clicks.  It seemed to leak 3-4 megs per click! 
Upon further investigation it turns out this is a Firefox specific problem (haven't tested Opera yet :) ) and it doesn't happen in IE.  Checking the Apache logs I get lots of these when browsing with Firefox:
 [Thu Sep 29 19:08:10 2005] [notice] [TBNL] No session for session identifier '1:158C42649C449770460538C62DC7A0EF' (User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7', IP: '')
So obviously there is a session handling problem with Firefox?  I'm guessing that it's starting a new session with each refresh, and hence the memory usage.
I'll look into it further and try to get into some of the TBNL code, but I'm a rookie with Lisp so it might take me a while!  Any help would be appreciated...
tbnl-devel site list

Bob Hutchison          -- blogs at <http://www.recursive.ca/hutch/>
Recursive Design Inc.  -- <http://www.recursive.ca/>
Raconteur              -- <http://www.raconteur.info/>