
times on the client and the server in a HTTP connection are not synchronized, so you could not rely on the time sent by the client anyway.

The server can send its own timestamp when a resource was last modified in the Last-Modified header, and that timestamp can be used by the client in subsequent requests to prevent the server from generating and sending the same content again if it has not been modified (Last-Modified-Since request header).

Please refer to for a precise description of these headers and mechanisms.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Matus Kmit <> wrote:
Hi everyone

i am new to web programming and hunchentoot. i have the following question:

How do one get client's time with hunchentoot? Does the http request
contain this information and can one inspect on that within
hunchentoot? Or what is the other way to do it?

On my main page, i need to know the exact hour and minute of the
client before generating the appropriate site content.


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