On Sat, 5 Mar 2005 22:31:08 -0500, Jason Wang randomtalk@gmail.com wrote:
and considers to use clsql for database (since i have been using mysql for 2 years, thought wouldn't be too hard to transfer my knowledge..), though reading Paul Graham's book, he said we should be just using flat files to store infomation.. i've went on http://bknr.net/ multiple times, though i don't get what they are doing.. mmm.. you told me to google for alternative ways of persisting data, though i tried multiple terms, turned up with not much helpful results, terms have tried "lisp web applications", "lisp + persist data", "lisp + web
- data"... what terms do you suggest?
Non-SQL alternatives for persistent storage:
- Plob! - cl-elephant - bknr's persistent store - cl-prevalence - cl-store - Paul Foley's interface to Berkeley DB
Cheers, Edi.