You can then use your own dispatch mechanism to associate
> this function with any URI(s) of your liking.

Please show me briefly how to do it. Thank you.

2009/12/16 Edi Weitz <>
On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Semion Prihodko <> wrote:
> but seems this is an ugly way...

You're of course entitled to your own opinion... :)

> I would like to save reference to an easy
> handle and then arbitrary to enable it under some URI or disable. Does
> Hunchentoot support this kind of actions?

Yes, it's explained in the documentation.  You can use
define-easy-handler without the URI parameter to simply define a named
function.  You can then use your own dispatch mechanism to associate
this function with any URI(s) of your liking.

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