I know this isn't exactly what you've requested, but it does show how to get a session value and display it in the browser. It's been tested in the latest Chrome, IE, and Firefox, and uses Hunchentoot. http://paste.lisp.org/display/121215 Sometimes simpler is better.
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Haris fbogdanovic@xnet.hr wrote:
Here I changed the function names to reflect the code:
(defpackage :sessions (:use :cl :hunchentoot :cl-who :parenscript :ht-simple-ajax))
(in-package sessions)
(setf *access-log-pathname* "c:/lisp/hunchentoot-log/access.log") (setf *message-log-pathname* "c:/lisp/hunchentoot-log/message.log")
(setf *js-string-delimiter* #")
(defparameter *ajax-processor* (make-instance 'ajax-processor :server-uri "/ajax"))
(push (create-ajax-dispatcher *ajax-processor*) *dispatch-table*)
(defun-ajax show-x () (*ajax-processor*) (write-to-string (incf (session-value 'x))))
(define-easy-handler (main-page :uri "/") () (start-session) (setf (session-value 'x) 10) (with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t) (:html :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" (:head (princ (generate-prologue *ajax-processor*)) (:script :type "text/javascript" (str (ps
(defun show-x () (alert (ajax_show_x))))))
(:body (:p (:a :href (ps-inline (show-x)) "Show X"))))))
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