On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:51 AM, Hans Hübner <hans@huebner.org> wrote:
The ECL patches unfortunately are against the last release version, so
we will not be able to include them in the upcoming release which will
be based on the development version.  Hopefully, someone can supply us
with a new change set for ECL after the release.

Could someone update either http://www.weitz.de/hunchentoot/ or http://weitz.de/patches.html to this effect?

A short message explaining where the development branch of Hunchentoot is (or how to coordinate development) would have been very helpful. Even a message like "We're not accepting patches for Hunchentoot/this version is obsolete" would be nice, or at the very least, a "please check with the mailing list before writing any code targetting Hunchentoot".

I spent a fair amount of time porting ECL to Hunchentoot (and porting Hunchentoot's dependencies to ECL) only to discover it was wasted efforts in a similar way. Having some big friendly letters explaining how to get this "development version" on the Hunchentoot website would have saved my time, and clearly others.