Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
My daughter was looking at the Hunchentoot logo this morning and said she thought someone ought to make it animated so that one the eyes blinks every so often, and then another one - randomly. I don't know how to do that. Does anyone know how to do that? It would be really cool. I suppose it would have to be a GIF though.
Sounds cool!
GIF is a suitable image format, although it's technically possible with MNG too.
You can achieve a non-random effect with Gimp, for example. If you build in enough frames you can make it look random enough.
Or you can generate the image yourself with Skippy:
This method also allows you to generate random transitions on the fly.
The skippy idea is pretty neat - doing it to the spider would make a great little demo. Maybe one of the eyes should be bloodshot once in a while - like he's been up all night on a binge - and then - blink - they're back to normal and people aren't sure they really saw it or not.