On Sun, 01 Jul 2007 02:32:06 +0400, Anton Vodonosov vodonosov@mail.ru wrote:
I've just tried hunchentoot on sbcl win32. When you first time start hunchentoot, lisp enters debugger with message "undefined function sb-unix:create-timer" or something in that fashion. Looks like timeouts are not implemented in sbcl win32 so I've changed with-timeout macro in the port-sbcl.lisp to just execute its body without timeout. It helps.
Thanks for the info. I wonder why this hasn't been an issue for the other SBCL/Win32 users so far, though.
Anyway, I'd rather see a more unobtrusive patch which automagically starts to work once timeouts are implemented. Something along the lines of
Cheers, Edi.