On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 13:14, Frode V. Fjeld wrote:
Hans Hübner writes:
the patch looks good. Can you please provide a patch with a docstring and a documentation update?
Sure, I'm attaching a patch. I tweaked the docstring for process-request also.
I have committed that patch to the Subversion repository.
BTW, having now looked into using process-request as a "configuration point", I would suggest that there should be some refactoring: Move the pieces of it that are intrinsic to hunchentoot, such as bindings etc. for *tmp-files*, *headers-sent*, *request*, handler-done, and *within-request-p* [why not just (not (null *request*))?] into process-connection (or some internal defun), and keep just the stuff that implements the default condition handling.
The point would be to have two well-defined configuration points: process-request that does condition handinling, and dispatch-request that is within the scope of said condition handling.
I'd be fine with such a refactoring and cleanup! I have not reviewed the code myself, but replacing *within-request-p* with an access to *request* sounds like a worthwhile simplification.