
I have nagged jdz about the pending changes to rfc2388, as they have still not made it into Quicklisp.  They are in the parse-mime-change branch of git://, if you're interested.

I'm not sure about the general usefulness of a per-acceptor temporary directory.  Can't you subclass Hunchentoot's acceptor class and then bind *TMP-DIRECTORY* in a HANDLE-REQUEST :AROUND method?


On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Sebastian Tennant <> wrote:
Quoth Hans Hübner <>:
> [...] There are some pending changes regarding how uploaded files are handled
> which have not been merged because we're waiting for rfc2388 to be updated in
> Quicklisp.

Has this happened?

I have Quicklisp version 2012-12-23 installled and it ships version 1.5 of

Also, rfc2388's source directory has the name rfc2388-20121013-git/.  Is this a
reason for hope?
It looks like *UPLOAD-FILENAME-GENERATOR* does what I need.

Alternatively, how about adding a tmp-directory slot to the ACCEPTOR class and
then replacing all references to *TMP-DIRECTORY* with:

 (or (tmp-directory request) *TMP-DIRECTORY*)

All I really need is per-acceptor control over the directory into which
temporary files are written (in my case, the file name is unimportant) so this
would also serve my purposes.


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