Hi there. I have just started with Hunchentoot. Being also  a lisp newcomer  i started out with reading tutorials and docs and this one mailing list, where I found some upload problems mentioned and getting interested in testing them out. After installation of hunchentoot (as a standalone server) on sbcl and trying to upload some files I got almost 100% cpu load on the host machine with just one file being uploaded. Then I tested it, hacking the rfc2388 module to only read from stream  without processing or writing anything. I got a 50%+ cpu cload. The upload on apache/php is getting 5%. I saw that the lisp is equally heating the cpu just with stream reading-writing by making a separate file read-write test.
It's an sbcl stream problem as i see it, nothing can be done here, I guess. 
It's acceptable for apache being held on this system, but i don't really want to run php alongside with lisp just for file uploads.
So, do you think it would be possible to write some foreign module for just the multipart form-data processing and use it with Hunchentoot? Any way to make upload performance reasonable?