with ACL 8.2 (professional license) on windows 7 on Atom Z540 with 2GiBs of memory trying to
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :hunchentoot)
ends with
;;; Compiling file c:\lisplibs\hunchentoot-1.1.1\specials.lisp ; While compiling (:top-level-form "specials.lisp" 1551): Warning: Compiling a function definition for the name defconstant as a defmacro. This name is in the common-lisp package and redefining it will be a violation for portable programs. Replacing the current definition of #<macro defconstant @ #x20107e32> may be dangerous. The package common-lisp has excl:package-definition-lock set, which causes the system to signal this violation.
and it seems like it freezes there. Is it normal? How long does it take typically to compile that specials.lisp?