I'm trying to point the Hunchentoot default page to my /index page, but i can't figure how.
Here is my dispatch table:
(setq *dispatch-table* (nconc (list 'dispatch-easy-handlers (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/favicon.ico" "/usr/share/vhosts/hdemo/favicon.ico") (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/main.css" "/usr/share/vhosts/hdemo/main.css")) (mapcar (lambda (args) (apply #'create-prefix-dispatcher args)) '(("/index" main-page) ("/admin" admin-page) ("/showpost" showpost) ("/editpost" editpost) ("/showtopic" show-topic-page))) (list #'default-dispatcher)))
What i want is when i point my browser to:
I get the /index page not the default page (currently i get the Hunchentoot defaul page).
Any clues would be appreciated.
Thank you.