Scribit Mac Chan dies 03/05/2007 hora 01:14:
Previously (in tbnl) if you set *debug-mode* to T, the top level dynamic vars *request*, *reply*, etc will be bound to the last request, reply objects.
This is something I usually do myself, and I save this kind of objects in debug-specific variables. The *debug-mode* behaviour won't scale, because you have to be sure there will only be a single HTTP request sent to the server, or the various variables will be overwritten.
Just do it yourself, with a handler "leaking" the objects you want to inspect:
(defvar *leak*)
(defun leaking-handler () (setf *leak* (list *request* *reply*)) "<html><head><title>Leaked</title></head><body>Leaked.</body></html>")
Scalably, Pierre