I'm a Lisp newbie trying to use the jquery ui sortable widget (http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/) to sort a list of tasks.  
The plugin posts the list of tasks as:
  1. task[]:
  2. task[]:
  3. task[]:

Which Hunchentoot sees as:
[2013-02-09 11:15:34 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
                                          (task[] . 38))

However, when I use this handler:
(define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri *task-prioritize*) 
(tasks) (task-prioritize tasks))

I get:
[2013-02-09 11:38:52 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize NIL

[2013-02-09 11:38:52 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 36) (task[] . 38)
                                          (task[] . 37))

If I use:
(define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri *task-prioritize*) 
((tasks :parameter-type 'array)) (task-prioritize tasks))
I get:
[2013-02-09 11:36:07 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize #()

[2013-02-09 11:36:07 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
                                          (task[] . 38))

If I use:
(define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri *task-prioritize*) 
((tasks :parameter-type 'list)) (task-prioritize tasks))
I get:
[2013-02-09 11:37:32 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize NIL

[2013-02-09 11:37:32 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
                                          (task[] . 38))

My understanding from the documentation is that I should end up with a list of id's in the var task when is all said and done.  Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong that that isn't happening?  Or help clarify my understanding?

Thanks so much!
James A Barrows