Scribit Edi Weitz dies 15/02/2007 hora 08:27:
Let me know once you're done with the other libs, and I'll add links there as well.
As you released version 0.11.2, I took the time to mirror this dependency of Hunchentoot also. Goes from 0.1.0 to 0.11.2:
The last project I have the history of is TBNL. If someone wants to see it mirrored also, I'll do it. As far as Hunchentoot is concerned, mirroring cl-ppcre could probably interest people, I suppose.
I'm not sure I told it earlier (and I only discovered it recently), but the three repositories there have two RSS feeds each, one for all changesets and the other one for the tags. As I tag every version, you can subscribe to the tags feed in your favorite RSS agregator to see when a new version is available.
Normally, I mirror each new version in the few minutes after I read the announcement mail from Edi (I'd like the process to be automatic, though).
Reflectively, Pierre