On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Frode V. Fjeld frode@netfonds.no wrote:
..whereas they both return :UNSPECIFIC for the actual base-path, as you can gather from the stack below. Could it be that weblocks somehow creates the pathname object the wrong way?
Edi Weitz edi@agharta.de writes:
That would be my guess. I'm not familiar with weblocks, though.
It appears that the root cause is this effect:
TBNL> (values (pathname-type #p"/tmp") (pathname-type (probe-file #p"/tmp"))) NIL :UNSPECIFIC
(Btw. sbcl will return NIL for both.)
It's unclear to me what the semantics of NIL vs. :UNSPECIFIC is supposed to be, and so whether it's weblocks or hunchentoot (or both?) that needs to be tweaked.