Hi all!
Please Cc: me, I'm not subscribed to the list and I'm posting from Gmane.
The Debian package for Hunchentoot lacks three files because of licensing issues:
- doc/hunchentoot.gif (as well as test/favicon.ico), because CC Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-by-sa) is considered non-free by Debian (see http://people.debian.org/~evan/ccsummary.html)
FWIW, version 3.0 of the same license would be acceptable:
- test/fz.jpg, since it misses any license bits
I didn't write to ask for a license change, but to inform you that the included patches have been applied to the Debian package to cope with these two problems:
- 01_replace-nonfree-logo-in-documentation.patch, the logo have been replaced by the word "[logo]" to preserve the link in doc/index.html
- 02_remove-nonfree-favicon-from-test-file.patch, any reference to the favicon has been simply removed
- 03_replace-Frank-Zappa-picture-in-test-file.patch, fz.jpg has been replaced by the Debian swirl logo (which should be present in all Debian installations).
FWIW, the Debian package is maintained in a git repository at:
Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca