On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 16:38:35 +0200, Stefan Scholl stesch@no-spoon.de wrote:
By the way: I can find the symbol that way, too. But not call it.
CL-USER> (tbnl:url-encode "Schlumpf")
==> Error in KERNEL:%COERCE-TO-FUNCTION: the function TBNL:URL-ENCODE is undefined.
* (lisp-implementation-version)
"CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches" * (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :tbnl)
; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/tbnl-0.8.0/tbnl.asd into ; #<The ASDF1503 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM TBNL {5803C755}> as TBNL ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/url-rewrite/url-rewrite.asd ; into #<The ASDF1506 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM URL-REWRITE {5805FE25}> as URL-REWRITE ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/rfc2388/rfc2388.asd into ; #<The ASDF1508 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM :RFC2388 {5808442D}> as RFC2388 ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/kmrcl-1.84/kmrcl.asd into ; #<The ASDF1510 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM KMRCL {5809FC85}> as KMRCL ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. O C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/cl-ppcre-1.2.11/cl-ppcre.asd ; into #<The ASDF1551 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM #:CL-PPCRE {582706CD}> as CL-PPCRE ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/cl-base64-3.3.1/cl-base64.asd ; into #<The ASDF1553 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM CL-BASE64 {5829C365}> as CL-BASE64 ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. O C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: ; registering #<SYSTEM CL-BASE64-TESTS {5842CCCD}> as CL-BASE64-TESTS ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. O C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: ; loading system definition from /home/edi/lisp/md5-1.8.5/md5.asd into ; #<The ASDF1615 package> ; registering #<SYSTEM MD5 {5855077D}> as MD5 NIL * (tbnl:url-encode "Schlumpf")
"Schlumpf" * (describe 'tbnl:url-encode)
URL-ENCODE is an external symbol in the TBNL package. Function: #<Function TBNL:URL-ENCODE {58B2C2C9}> Function arguments: (string &optional (external-format *tbnl-default-external-format*)) Function documentation: URL-encodes a string using the external format EXTERNAL-FORMAT. Its defined argument types are: (T &OPTIONAL T) Its result type is: SIMPLE-BASE-STRING On Monday, 9/26/05 03:50:17 pm [-2] it was compiled from: /home/edi/lisp/tbnl-0.8.0/util.lisp Created: Saturday, 9/24/05 01:33:39 am [-2]
Works on 19b as well.