
I am currently hitting the problem described in the following thread: http://lists.common-lisp.net/pipermail/tbnl-devel/2009-July/004768.html

I'm using SBCL 1.0.58 with hunchentoot 1.2.3 and usocket 0.5.5 (both from quicklisp).

I understand the long-term fix will be some hard work. However, in this thread, Hans is referencing a few diff hunks :
Since the old trac is not working anymore, could it be possible to either point me toward the equivalent commits in the github repository or the content of these patches.

By the way, Peter, if you're still around, did you need to apply only 4435 or both this and 4434 in order to solve the second issue (unbound variable on *acceptor*)?

If anybody has information with respect to these issues, including the corresponding bug report in usocket, so I can do some follow up with them, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help and time.
