This project has been abandoned by this author, which is unfortunate. In it's late stages it started using new fully asynchronous HTTP server (sw-http) written just for the purpose of speeding up comet. It was before Hunchentoot's taskmanager API.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Vsevolod <> wrote:
By the way, there's also SymbolicWeb (, which advertises to be doing Comet and using Hunchentoot. But somehow its pages on Google(Groups and Code) have gone recently...

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Jim Prewett <> wrote:


I'm not quite sure what I'm after except that the buzzword seems to be

AFAICT, much of the time, this involves having javascript send an
XMLHttpRequest to the server which the server keeps open until there is
data to be sent to the client.

Has anyone done anything like this?  Does anyone have thoughts on how one
might implement something along these lines?

All I am really after is some sort of "Server Push" - I'd be happy to hear
any thoughts anyone has along these lines.


James E. Prewett          
Systems Team Leader           LoGS:
Designated Security Officer         OpenPGP key: pub 1024D/31816D93
HPC Systems Engineer III   UNM HPC  505.277.8210

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