Hi there,

This is a bug report. I'm using Hunchentoot 1.2.2 from quicklisp. I encountered a server resource limit due to (I think) http connections on an https port.

Cliffs notes:

https server is not hanging up properly when a connection is attempted using normal http. This eventually causes the process to hit a kernel socket limit.


I recently upgraded my hunchentoot webserver from http to full ssl/https. The webservice runs on a dedicated port, and I left the port the same.

We had a monitoring service running to check the server was alive. However the monitoring service wasn't updated to use https.

So every half an hour or so, we got:

[2013-03-26 06:49:26 [ERROR]] Error while processing connection: A failure in the SSL library occurred on handle #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X04B69660) (return code: 1). SSL error queue:                                                             
error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request                 

Also, if I connect myself using http instead of https, the browser connection times out. The server certainly doesn't hang up instantly like I'd expect.

Last night, my webserver listener threw a bsd socket error - code 24 (too many files). When I ran an lsof of the process, there were a large number of long term CLOSE_WAIT connections, which my internet research tells me is due to the server not closing connections properly. I think the connections piled up, and I thus hit the socket limit for that process.

Anyone else have that issue? Is it an easy fix?

