On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 13:58:33 -0700, Daniel Gackle gackle@shaw.ca wrote:
I'm using Hunchentoot with ACL 8.0 Express. When a browser is open and displaying one of my app's URLs, the following error pops up every few minutes. Any ideas why would this be happening?
"Connection reset by peer" (errno 10054) occured while reading buffer for #<MULTIVALENT #1=stream socket #1#connected from #2=localhost/4242 to #2#/2227 @ #x20fe4d1a>. [Condition of type EXCL:SOCKET-ERROR]
I /think/ this is related to this thread:
You've set *CATCH-ERRORS-P* to NIL, right?
Yeah, looks like I should change this behaviour...
Cheers, Edi.