Edi Weitz edi@agharta.de writes:
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 09:13:00 -0400, Nicolas Lamirault lam@tuxfamily.org wrote:
i have defined this on clwl.lisp :
(setq *dispatch-table* (nconc (mapcar (lambda (args) (apply #'create-prefix-dispatcher args)) '(("/tbnl/clwl" main) ("/tnbl/clwl/login.html" login) ("/tbnl/clwl/about.html" about))) (list #'default-dispatcher)))
As the docs say in http://weitz.de/tbnl/#*dispatch-table*
"The dispatchers in *DISPATCH-TABLE* are tried in turn until one of them returns a handler."
So it looks like in your case "/tbnl/clwl" will always match and always return the MAIN function without a chance for the other dispatch functions to be called. You should chance the order in your dispatch table - make MAIN the last entry (or the one directly before #'DEFAULT-DISPATCHER).
This will learn to me has to better read the next time ! thanks, it works fine
HTH, Edi.