I've been looking into that unbound memory consumption situation when directly connecting to TBNL (that doesn't happen when going through mod_lisp or Araneida and only seems to happen on OS/X).
I put some debugging statements into KMRCL and have (finally) noticed something that was blindingly obvious before.
There is a KMRCL function lw-worker in listener.lisp that is called for every request made to TBNL directly. It is called only once (or, at least, a very few times) if TBNL is invoked indirectly (i.e. via mod_lisp or Araneida). The call to this function is through a lambda that is defined in make-socket-server and passed to comm:start-up-server.
I am assuming at this point that this has something to do with the problem.
Now, I don't really understand what is going on here. I will continue to look into this, but if anyone happens to already know what is going on here I'd love to hear about it.
Cheers, Bob