Edi Weitz wrote:
Is there a guarantee in SBCL that the cleanup forms of an UNWIND-PROTECT are executed when a thread is killed?
In my experience, it seems to work most of the time, but I'd have to ask someone with more sb-thread-internals-jitsu to fill in whether there is an actual guarantee in place or not.
My understanding is that because of issues with shared memory between threads, killing a thread should always be considered a bit drastic, as there is no real guarantee that it won't corrupt the entire lisp image. [1]
When I write listeners such as this, to provide for a normal shutdown I close over a function that flips a flag variable telling the listener to stop, then initiates a socket connection to the listener to break the socket-accept block. [2]
It seems that something like this [3] might be the correct solution here as well. For a normal shutdown, one tends to prefer to let current workers finish their tasks up anyway. Providing for both the 'clean' shutdown and the 'nuke them all and take your chances' approach would probably be the most flexible interface.
-- Travis
[1] See this thread (which sf.net fragmented): http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=14295329&forum_id... http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=14649427&forum_id... http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=14649430&forum_id...
Nikodemus Siivola: "No question about it. As long as we don't have safe-points and otherwise run in an uninterruptible state, then not just killing, but generally interrupting and even partially unwinding another thread is basically a horrible, yet dangerously seductive idea.
"It is simple enough to write code that checks for "kill yourself" message, and deal with it, and that is what threaded applications should do."
[2] The (currently SBCL-only) code that I use for doing this is here:
http://code.tcross.org/releases/cl-listener-0.1.0.tar.gz http://code.tcross.org/releases/cl-sockets-0.1.0.tar.gz
... or for the darcs-inclined:
http://darcs.tcross.org/cl-listener/ http://darcs.tcross.org/cl-sockets/
[3] Global special variables, gray streams, or conditions can of course be used to achieve the same ends.