my problem persists. once it has gone but i could not figure out how.but now the problem is back.any help?On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Faruk S. Can <> wrote:
hii cannot sustain a session.i login to my app. it shows my login name as i programmed.when i refresh the page it stays there.but when i refresh for the second time my session name andother things goes away and instead i see what is there for thenot loginned case.I think i miss something in hunchentoot session hadling.;all html generated by a macro:(defmacro ff (tag)`(defun ,tag (&rest c)(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)(format t "<~a ~{~a='~a' ~}> ~{~a ~}</~a>" ',tag (car c) (cdr c) ',tag))));;defining all tag functions:(progn(ff html)(ff title)(ff head)(ff meta)(ff link)(ff style)(ff script)(ff body)(ff span)(ff div)(ff section)(ff p)(ff form)(ff input)(ff button)(ff textarea)(ff a)(ff h1)(ff h2)(ff h3)(ff h4)(ff h5)(ff h6)(ff ol)(ff ul)(ff li));authentication utilities used by the home page function at the bottom:(defun signed-in-p ()(if (and (boundp '*session*) (session-value '*signed-in *session*))tnil))(defun signed-up-p (x y)(if (with-connection *conn1spec*(query (:select 'username 'password :from 'users.users:where (:and (:= 'username x)(:= 'password y)))))tnil))(defun sign-in ()(let ((username (parameter "username"))(password (parameter "password")))(if (signed-up-p username password)(progn(start-session)(setf (session-value '*username) username)(setf (session-value '*signed-in) t)(morph-status-plate (session-value '*username)))(with-output-to-string (s)(princ (morph-sign-in-form) s)(princ "No record found!" s)(princ (a (list :href "/form-sign-up") "Sign up") s)))));the data base querying functions are working correctly;views generated:(defun morph-write-button ()(div (list :style "border:1px solid; float:left;")(a (list :href "/writingp") "write")))(defun morph-status-plate (username)(div (list :id "status-plate" :style "border:1px solid; float:left;")(span () "123 users online")(span () username)(button (list :onclick "ajaxlogout()") "logout")))(defun morph-sign-in-form ()(div (list :id "sign-in-form" :style "border:1px solid; float:left;")(form (list :method "" :action "")(input (list :id "username" :type "input" :name "username"))(input (list :id "password" :type "input" :name "password"))(input (list :onClick "ajaxsignin()" :type "button" :value "login")))));at last;the page i generate as home page:(div (list :id "sign-in-form-or-status-plate":style "height: 45px; border: 1px solid; float:left;")(if (signed-in-p);;;;;;(with-output-to-string (s)(start-session)(princ (morph-status-plate (session-value '*username)) s)(princ (morph-write-button) s))(with-output-to-string (s)(princ (morph-sign-in-form) s)(princ (a (list :href "form-sign-up") "Sign up") s))))