I'm relatively new to both Lisp and Hunchentoot, and I've got a question about how experienced developers go about working on a hunchentoot site. Specifically, I've made myself a helper macro to wrap define-easy-handler and make it simpler to add handlers from the REPL. I find that every time I use it, it adds a new entry to the *dispatch-table*. Most often, I'm redefining an existing handler (to expand or correct it) and would rather overwrite that handler with its new version, rather than adding a new entry. I'm finding it awkward to modify my macro so that it checks for an existing handler with that function name and overwrites it – more importantly I'm not certain this is the best way to do it.
If any more experienced users were willing to share how they address this issue, and in general what tools they've made to assist in developing a hunchentoot site, this newbie would be very grateful.
Thanks, Eric