Unfortunately,. the JQuery sortable api is the on that determines the names of the fields, and not me.
Thanks for the help though!
It is greatly appreciated!

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Ala'a Mohammad <amalawi@gmail.com> wrote:
;; using list as parameter-type

(define-easy-handler (form-page :uri "/")
  (with-html-output-to-string (out)
    (:form :action "/process"
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[]" :value "37")
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[]" :value "38")
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[]" :value "36")
     (:input :type "submit" :value "Process"))))

(define-easy-handler (process-page :uri "/process")
    ((tasks :real-name "task[]" :parameter-type 'list))
  (with-html-output-to-string (out)
    (print tasks out)))

;; array parameter-type needs fields names to be something like
task[36], task[38] ... etc,
;; not with empty square brackets like task[], so the following wont work.
(define-easy-handler (process-page :uri "/process")
    ((tasks :real-name "task" :parameter-type 'array))
  (with-html-output-to-string (out)
    (print tasks out)))

;; but using this will allow you to use array parameter type, and thus
the above easy-handler will work

(define-easy-handler (form-page :uri "/")
  (with-html-output-to-string (out)
    (:form :action "/process"
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[0]" :value "37")
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[1]" :value "38")
     (:input :type "text" :name "task[2]" :value "36")
     (:input :type "submit" :value "Process"))))

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Jim Barrows <jim.barrows@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fixed that, and it didn't work.  I went through all three permutations
> (define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri *task-prioritize*)
> ((task :parameter-type 'list)) (task-prioritize task))
> results in:
> [2013-02-09 12:18:40 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize NIL
> [2013-02-09 12:18:40 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 38)
>                                           (task[] . 36))
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Ala'a Mohammad <amalawi@gmail.com> wrote:
>> the parameter name is "task[]", not "tasks" used as a default name for
>> the 'tasks' parameter in the easy handler.
>> try using real-name
>> HiH
>> Ala'a
>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Jim Barrows <jim.barrows@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I'm a Lisp newbie trying to use the jquery ui sortable widget
>> > (http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/) to sort a list of tasks.
>> > The plugin posts the list of tasks as:
>> >
>> > task[]:
>> > 37
>> > task[]:
>> > 36
>> > task[]:
>> > 38
>> >
>> >
>> > Which Hunchentoot sees as:
>> > [2013-02-09 11:15:34 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
>> >                                           (task[] . 38))
>> >
>> > However, when I use this handler:
>> > (define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri
>> > *task-prioritize*)
>> > (tasks) (task-prioritize tasks))
>> >
>> > I get:
>> > [2013-02-09 11:38:52 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize NIL
>> >
>> > [2013-02-09 11:38:52 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 36) (task[] . 38)
>> >                                           (task[] . 37))
>> >
>> > If I use:
>> > (define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri
>> > *task-prioritize*)
>> > ((tasks :parameter-type 'array)) (task-prioritize tasks))
>> > I get:
>> > [2013-02-09 11:36:07 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize #()
>> >
>> > [2013-02-09 11:36:07 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
>> >                                           (task[] . 38))
>> >
>> > If I use:
>> > (define-easy-handler (task-prioritize-url-handler :uri
>> > *task-prioritize*)
>> > ((tasks :parameter-type 'list)) (task-prioritize tasks))
>> > I get:
>> > [2013-02-09 11:37:32 [DEBUG]] task-prioritize NIL
>> >
>> > [2013-02-09 11:37:32 [DEBUG]] parameters ((task[] . 37) (task[] . 36)
>> >                                           (task[] . 38))
>> >
>> > My understanding from the documentation is that I should end up with a
>> > list
>> > of id's in the var task when is all said and done.  Could someone tell
>> > me
>> > what I'm doing wrong that that isn't happening?  Or help clarify my
>> > understanding?
>> >
>> > Thanks so much!
>> > --
>> > James A Barrows
>> >
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> --
> James A Barrows
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> tbnl-devel site list
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James A Barrows