Mathieu Lemoine kindly fixed several issues that made Hunchentoot fail ungracefully under overload conditions in multi threaded mode. I have pulled these changes into the master branch on github and would like to make a new release soon (quicklisp day is upcoming).
https://github.com/edicl/hunchentoot/commit/8a790177997ec2c419355eeb7ae5f002... https://github.com/edicl/hunchentoot/commit/cae0b8ed074290d53dfa801874012be7...
According to my tests, Hunchentoot is now much more load resilient, but more testing would be great. So if you have some time, please clone the git repository, start a simple server like
(defparameter *test* (make-instance 'easy-acceptor :port 8080)) (define-easy-handler (root :uri "/") () (setf (content-type*) "text/plain") (sleep 1) (format nil "OK~%")) (start *test*)
and use your http load generation tool of choice to hammer the server. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Mathieu, and thanks to anyone who helps testing! Hans