Well after running fine for a while hunchentoot is again re-setting sessions at arbitrary intervals.

I have closed down my lisp instance serveral times today and restarted everything. Everything will work for a while (5 to 45 minutes) and then fall apart. Once hunchentoot has killed sessions once, it does so every couple of minutes, some times under a minute.

I have checked my code again looking for a place that I might be killing the sessions or setting the session to nil in any way but I have no such code.

I set the following before creating any acceptors:

(setf hunchentoot::*session-gc-frequency* nil)
(setf hunchentoot::*session-max-time* 36000)
(setf hunchentoot::*use-user-agent-for-sessions* nil)

hunchentoot::*use-remote-addr-for-sessions* reports NIL

I added a check to see what the (session-db *my-acceptor*) reports when I say hunchentoot "resets sessions" and it reports NIL. Before a reset (session-db *my-acceptor*) reports (8 .#).

The only other thing that I can think might have an effect is that the site uses ssl but hunchentoot is not hangling the ssl I am forwarding from nginx to hunchentoot.

Any suggestions?

On Thu, 2010-05-20 at 11:23 +0200, Edi Weitz wrote:
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Phil Marneweck <zaries@global.co.za> wrote:

> Thanx again for the help.

You're welcome... :)

> PS: How about some cross references in the documentation for
> *session-gc-frequency*, *session-max-time* and
> *use-remote-addr-for-sessions* just as a heads up for other people that
> might stumble into this?

Well, they are all mentioned in the same short chapter about sessions,
and *use-remote-addr-for-sessions* is by default set to NIL.  One
should assume that users setting this value to T know what they're
doing.  Besides, I don't see any specific relation between, e.g.,
*session-gc-frequency* and *use-remote-addr-for-sessions*.


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