Here are two patches[1][2] for both flexi-streams and hunchentoot. First patch makes flexi-streams to signal a condition when stream BOUND gets exceeded -- documentation and tests are included. Second one uses freshly introduced flexi-streams feature to limit the maximum request size.
The latter hunchentoot patch is not well tested, doesn't include any documentation, replaces (raw-post-data ...) call with (clear-input ...) to flush the input stream (thus, can have chunking and common lisp implementation/platform related problems). It appears to be working for me, I hope it would for you as well.
Thanks Hans Huebner for his kindly helps and Edi Weitz for his uninterest in any effort.
P.S. Enhancements are patched against the repositories located at http://bknr.net/svn/ediware address.
[1] http://www.students.itu.edu.tr/~yazicivo/tmp/flexi-streams-bound-invalidatio...
[2] http://www.students.itu.edu.tr/~yazicivo/tmp/hunchentoot-request-size-limit....