I have (finally!) updated my local installation of hunchentoot. Testing indicates that things work as expected, except for one thing: calling (setf (hunchentoot:reply-external-format*) ...) in a request handler causes the request to abort. This is probably not a big issue, since I probably don't need to set the external format (it appears to get the right value automatically).
I'm reporting it here because it may actually be caused by a bug; alternatively, it could be that I'm doing something stupid, which would then be useful to know.
The code snippet below works (after making an easy-acceptor). Removing the #+nil causes it to break.
(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (test :uri "/test") (foo) (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/plain") #+nil (setf (hunchentoot:reply-external-format*) :utf-8) (format nil "Host: ~a~%Proto: ~a (~a)~%Script: ~a~%requrl: ~a~%foo: ~a" (hunchentoot:host) (hunchentoot:server-protocol*) (type-of (hunchentoot:server-protocol*)) (hunchentoot:script-name*) (hunchentoot:request-uri*) foo))