The moment came when I had to move all of my site from being partially static http web pages to pages generated (or served from cached files) by Hunchentoot.
The overall performance noticeably degraded in terms of response time. Even in cases when HT does nothing but serves a static file from its cache the response time increased from 0.3 sec to 1.5 sec (tested with httperf).
I am running Apache 2 on Ubuntu (everything latest) with sbcl 1.0.18.
I understand that when ht running behind the proxy the response time should increase. I wonder what can I do to optimize.
Is it time to run HT as a standalone server? I still have a bunch of pages that I need to serve statically and lately my sbcl had problems with GC so it crashes time after time from heap exhaustion,  so I am a bit uncomfortable to switch completely to Hunchentoot.
I wonder how do you guys solve those problems?

Thank you,