to have a process safe server, both cl-perec and elephant use a non pure lisp solution :(

On Jan 4, 2008 10:32 PM, Volkan YAZICI < > wrote:
"Andrea Chiumenti" <> writes:
> Suppose you have a web application: When a user accesses it, the
> application will create a session for this user (not already
> logged). Now suppose he will do something that need to be stored
> into session, as for example filling a chart in an e-commerce
> application. Now he needs to checkout his chart, but he must login
> into this e-commerce site/application, so he will be redirected to
> an encrypted connection, but the session, holding the chart, must
> not be loosen. This makes me think that I have to share a session
> (object/service) between a pair of hunchentoot instances.

Then, as Sohail mentioned previously, you will need an intermediate
layer for storing temporary client data in an accesible state by both
instances. While you may achieve this by using a database server, it
might be more convenient and easy to use some sort of persistance
layer. (See cl-perec[1] and elephant[2] projects.)

