Thanks for your replies,
I'll go with what I've written then, so that who wants may evaluate the patches, (they'll be provided into a separate lisp file, the will override some hunchentoot functions).
The modifications will be available in one day or two into claw project registered at

For what concerning the example on port, it was just an example, to make present that in some environment, asking configuration modifications to the edp group of a cutomer, may result a pain (I speak for experience).

Thx for suggestions,
Have a nice day,

On Jan 17, 2008 10:09 AM, Nicolas Neuss <> wrote:
"Andrea Chiumenti" <> writes:

> Anyway since my project seems the only with the need of different
> sessions, I'll try another approach that doesn't involve hunchentoot for
> my needs, before publishing the first commit.  Have a nice day, kiuma

I also have three SBCL/hunchentoot servers running on the same machine
which could be replaced by one with the help of your patches.  So, in
principle I would be interested in this feature if it could be integrated
in Hunchentoot nicely.  However, even if such a version of Hunchentoot
would be available I am not sure if running only one instance would be a
good idea, since a bug in one application would wreak havoc on all.

[I must admit that I had no problems in asking our computing center for more
open ports.  If this would not have worked, I probably would have put my
servers behind Apache/modlisp (which I probably will do anyway at some
point, because people occasionally reported problems accessing my servers
from places which allowed only connections on port 8080).]

