Got the latest flexi-streams, chunga and hunchentoot. My hunchentoot project stopped working (when I open the main web page it shows the message "The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server"). I am using sbcl 1.0.5. I'll try to investigate it.
When I went back to hunchentoot 0.10.0 (with newer flexi-streams and chunga) other things got broken. I guess all those three components are tightly coupled.


On 9/6/07, Edi Weitz <> wrote:

  Version 0.12.0
  Now uses bound for flexi stream returned by RAW-POST-DATA
  Needs FLEXI-STREAMS 0.12.0 or higher

  Version 0.11.2
  Fixed typo in docs
  Added declaration in server.lisp to appease SBCL

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