Hey Everyone,

I am not sure how everyone got their new Hunchentoot server setup but I had a kind of rough experience and wanted to share so that maybe it is spared from the next guy giving Hunchentoot. Below is my humble experience feel free to tell me where I went wrong (if I did) or in posting possible solutions

First off, I use an Ubuntu installation and unfortunately all there repositories for cl code seem to be out of date and hence it will cause alot of pain. I had to go through uninstalling everything for cl downloaded using apt-get.
Second, if you choose to use ASDF-INSTALL you are in for some trouble too. I tried ASDF-INSTALL a couple of times but to no avail. Hunchentoot is installed and you can load a server but you can not get it to reply. My guess is that one of the socket code libraries happen to be the problem but I am not sure of that. If it is any help Drakma kept pointing out an issue with sockets! (I can reproduce the error if any one wants).
Third and finally, I tried clbuild which I am glad to say works but with a twist. For some reason, which I have not yet gotten to, clbuild can not tell that Hunchentoot depends on Bordeaux-threads (and consequently lift) or Usockets (and consequently split-sequence) and therefore will not download them. I had to install each on its own. After that, everything works beautifully.

I am not sure how much this info is actionable, after all it is not an issue of Hunchentoot fundamentally; however without some guidelines to those who do not keep updated libraries (dracs copies :) ) getting Hunchentoot to run might be too much.

Just my 2 cents on an otherwise awesome project :)

Mackram Raydan

Website: www.trailoflight.net  (unfortunately does not run Hunchentoot ---- YET).
"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo