Hi Semion,

you can put all your certificates in one file, first root, then intermediate, then your site.  It should work that way

Best regargs,

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Semion Prihodko <semion.ababo@gmail.com> wrote:
The code is very simple.

;; begin of new code
(cl+ssl:use-certificate-chain-file "mysite.cer") ; my site
(cl+ssl:use-certificate-chain-file "geotrust.cer") ; intermediate
(cl+ssl:use-certificate-chain-file "geotrust+.cer") ; root
;; end of new code

(make-instance 'ssl-acceptor
                       :ssl-certificate-file (car ssl-security)
                       :ssl-privatekey-file (cdr ssl-security)
                       :port (get-config-value :website-port))

2010/9/1 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com>


can you please supply us with a minimal test case and pointers to the
certificate files that you have tried?


On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:40, Semion Prihodko <semion.ababo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I built a website which runs on Hunchentoot. Now it's time to buy
> ssl-certificate. When I downloaded QuickSSL Trial cert I found out that not
> all the browsers accept it. After a little research I found out that there
> is another certificate must be installed. This means it's a "chain root
> certificate", not a "single root". But it seems Hunchentoot has no
> capability to work with chained certificates. CL+SSL has an interesting
> function called USE-CERTIFICATE-CHAIN-FILE, but when I use it before
> creation of my ssl-acceptor the second doesn't respond to browsers. What can
> I do in order to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.
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