Hello Edi,
here it is a working example.

unpack the attached file and link the two asd files to your system.

(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-webobjects-test)

(in-package :cl-webobjects-test)

and then

in your browser
go to http://localhost:4242/clwo/test/index.html

To verify the realm implementation click on the two realm tests.

I've no idea on how to do with cookies disabled, because I'm relatively new to Hunchentoot

What I've modified for hunchentoot is locates in file src/hunchentoot-overrides.lisp

Let me know, ciao


On Jan 8, 2008 6:06 PM, Andrea Chiumenti <kiuma72@gmail.com> wrote:
should be,
give me one or two days, till I'll prepare a fully working example of cl-webobjects (hunchentoot based application container),that mekes use of realms.

On Jan 8, 2008 4:28 PM, Edi Weitz < edi@agharta.de> wrote:
On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 10:12:50 +0100, "Andrea Chiumenti" < kiuma72@gmail.com> wrote:

> are you interested in these modifications ?

Have you checked if it still works if you turn cookies off in your
browser?  Also, from a quick glance at the code I gather that the
default request realm is NIL.  Is that right?  Does that work?