On 10 Aug 2004 16:49:24 +0200, d95-bli@nada.kth.se (Björn Lindberg) wrote:
Am I correct now to believe that it is in reality Apache which takes care of the authorization, so that once a user gave a proper username and password, he will be authorized for the rest of his session?
No. The HTTP protocol has no concept of a "session" at all - each request/reply pair is treated in isolation.
Basic authentication works like this:
0. Client sends a request.
1. The server somehow checks whether the client (the browser) has sent the proper username and password. (These are encoded in a header the client sends.)
How this is checked can be implemented in different ways. You can ask Apache to handle this but in the examples just given (macro, dispatcher, and so on) Apache was not involved but rather TBNL did the checking.
2. If username and password are OK the server sends the requested contents.
3. If they're not OK the server sends back a 401 (Unauthorized) return code. It will also usually send back a "WWW-Authenticate" header which reveals a "Realm" to the client. This action /might/ result in a box popping up in your browser asking you to enter the credentials.
This process can be repeated as often as needed. Note that no knowledge of what happended in the past (no "session") is required for this.
So all that needs to be done is for each and every handler of access restricted pages to call tbnl:authorization and check for valid username and passwords?