Attached is another little patch. I made this a different patch from the previous one (2.37) because it might be a bit controversial.
I've added two new headers - "apache-baseversion" which corresponds to the APACHE_BASEVERSION constant (something like "Apache/1.3.29") and "modlisp-version" which corresponds to the mod_lisp version string in mod_lisp.c. I think it'd be nice to have these so the Lisp side can prepare better diagnostic messages.
One might argue that it's overhead to send these headers with every request. I personally think that this is not an issue because mod_lisp is already extremely fast and it doesn't really matter whether you send another 20 or 30 bytes through the socket or not.
One might also argue that this is static information which should only be sent once. I'd disagree because - as we all know - you can update your Apache while your Lisp image keeps running. You can also update mod_lisp while your Lisp image keeps running. In both cases your Lisp application will have the new versions available immediately.
Cheers, Edi.
On 2004-08-02 11:12:35, Edi Weitz wrote:
I've added two new headers - "apache-baseversion" which corresponds to the APACHE_BASEVERSION constant (something like "Apache/1.3.29") and "modlisp-version" which corresponds to the mod_lisp version string in mod_lisp.c. I think it'd be nice to have these so the Lisp side can prepare better diagnostic messages.
Then TBNL needs a version string, too. Or is there a way to get to this with ASDF?
Regards, Stefan
On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 11:40:26 +0200, Stefan Scholl wrote:
Then TBNL needs a version string, too.
This is already in my local repository. But it wouldn't make sense to release it until Marc accepts the 2.38 patch.