I just called the Bloor Fox & Fiddle and told them that we need a few
tables for 5-10 people. Just in case it's as busy as last time.
Reminder: you can find location info here: http://wiki.alu.org/toronto
The Google Summer of Code project ideas and organizations list is up:
One of the organizations is LispNYC whose project ideas are listed
here: http://lispnyc.org/soc2008.clp
Contact them if you want to mentor or if you'd like to join one of
their projects. There are a few interesting projects listed like
writing an extension to Firefox that allows you to use Common Lisp
instead of JavaScript, and writing an interpreter or compiler for
Javascript to be integrated with the Closure web browser.
A bit of a follow-up to the meetup, I posted on the comp.lang.lispnewsgroup:
The meetup was obviously a success. We had Gary Baumgartner make an
appearance with 2-4 U of T Computer Science students. He mentioned some
projects he had worked on and which are listed here:
I can't seem to find a link to the Scheme-Python compiler/translator
One interesting thing Gary mentioned is creating a course that mixes both
high- and low-level languages. From what I understood, you would be doing
the Assembly homework during the week that you're learning the Python (or
Scheme or whatever) that does roughly the same thing. We also had a Common
Lisp user from Montreal (he's surrounded by Schemers there *shudder* right?
:P) Quite the varied gathering. Oh, and I finally learned how to properly
pronounce TeX and LaTeX.
Just one more thing. Maybe we should get the ALU Wiki page for Toronto back
in order? The URL is: http://wiki.alu.org/Toronto
Oh and another thing. Keep bugging Gary and other Lispers to release code.
Toss it and don't worry too much about how clean the code looks.
-Rudolf Olah
The next meetup is going to be 3 April 2008. That's the first Thursday
of April. I've setup a facebook event in case you use it:
We're going to be using the Association of Lisp Users wiki to
organize. That way you can toss in your contact info or whatever else
there. The URL for that is: http://wiki.alu.org/toronto
I think the bi-monthly meetups are a good idea for the winter months
but maybe for the spring/summer we'll have monthly meetups. Yes? No?
Toss in your vote!
Also, does anyone have any useful SCheme SHell scripts that they've created?
That's the name of project Gary (senior lecturer at U of T) was
talking about at the last meet up.
Here's a sample of it:
It can turn:
(= the_world_is_flat 1)
(if the_world_is_flat
((print "Be careful not to fall off!")))
the_world_is_flat = 1
if the_world_is_flat :
print "Be careful not to fall off!"
That's just a quick and dirty sample apparently. It will be
interesting to see a lengthier example whenever that's posted up.
There's going to be a meetup at the Bloor Fox & Fiddle on February 7th which
is a Thursday. Directions are at http://neverfriday.com/lisp.html
I also have a question: has anyone checked out Movitz?