2 Dec
2 Dec
7:43 p.m.
On Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 09:52:25AM -0500, Paul Tarvydas wrote: [...]
FTR, I expect to be there, tomorrow.
Anyone "presenting" anything? [...]
I might be able to come tonight. Can anyone who will be there let me know if they have some specialized Lisp-related experience (it doesn't have to be much, just a bit (perhaps only a few hours) of experience with, e.g. clojure, lisp web frameworks, ffi's, etc.) that I could take a brief look at beforehand so I can ask some good questions about it (or even just to tempt me to come and ask for a few minutes of overview on the topic). Or if some people are interested in a topic near the top of my stack I might just come and read over material on it at the cafe and we can discuss it together.