- Paul brought an old 68000 common lisp print out - Paul talks about lisp works SMP multiprocessing stuff - new threading and sync primitives and interface - parallelism strategies - Hoare Monitors - Dining Philosopher's problem - Exam Dining Philosopher's code - Discuss context switching - doug mentions Lock-free append - spin locks - data type sizes - where 32bit is smaller and faster - where to put - tag in low bits to do math without shift - sbcl & threads - CL def not threadsafe - GCL has plet - Doug says single process-safe is dangerous - CSP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_processes - erlang - copy semantics - persistence allowed - stdlib - framework - clojure - - more message passing - socket management - input buffer - output buffer - syscall ammortization - send more messages - pass unix domain sockets - free-lists and warm cache - Djkstra - 1965 dining philosophers problem - JVM - ABCL - CORBA rant -