I'd like to give a mini-presentation on the language Factor (factorcode.org), assuming people are interested. Factor is a FORTH derivative, not a Lisp, but it's fairly reasonable to describe it as a "postfix Lisp". It is very Lisp-like (e.g. it has macros), but beyond that, I think it's one of the neatest esoteric languages around. It'll probably be a few minutes, so not too long.. depending on what we get into. I'll bring in my Mac and demonstrate the basics of the language. What do you say, folks? Vish Singh On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Paul Tarvydas <tarvydas@visualframeworksinc.com> wrote:
On Friday 30 January 2009 4:11:27 pm Abram Hindle wrote:
When's the next meeting?
If we follow the first-Tuesday-of-the-month "rule", then it should be this Tuesday (Feb. 3).
Anybody have a topic to present?
We need to get a webpage going!
We can discuss this at the meeting.
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