Hello everyone! Our next meeting is coming up soon. Toronto Lisp Users Group -- June Meeting: June 2nd, 6pm, Linux Caffe (Walk south of Bloor from Christie Station, until you hit Harbord Street) AS USUAL: We're looking for volunteers for talks, discussion, tutorials. Your current projects, proposal for projects, libraries you like, tutorials or related Lispy languages, issues relevant to Lisp, etc. So I still haven't received my Clojure book, although I got an email saying it's on the way. Looking forward to thumbing through the hardcopy version, and I'll bring it in when I've received it.. As a substitute, I'll bring in "Godel, Escher, Bach"! I've been trying to wrap my head around it.. there may be a hint of LISPyness in there, perhaps. http://www.lisptoronto.org/ Come on out! Vish