On 13-01-19 11:59 AM, Rudolf wrote:
How is the GUI library? I downloaded the personal edition but keep reverting back to slime and sbcl.
I use Lispworks extensively, including the IDE and the GUI library (CAPI). The lispworks IDE is so well integrated that I have no desire to go back to emacs[1]. In fact, when I tried SBCL and slime recently, I was deeply disappointed (maybe someone needs to give me a tour :-). I lean on the visual stepper and inspector a lot. Is your question about CAPI or about the IDE? CAPI is a sensibly designed and very powerful library for building GUI's. pt [1] I do keep emacs around for non-lisp activity, and, for the fact that its regex-replace stuff is very powerful (and familiar to me after a few decades). Once in a while, I have to make a mass-edit to a lisp program that is easier in emacs.